Nail Fungus CompoundingOnychomycosis, more commonly known as toenail and fingernail fungus, is a widespread and often embarrassing fungal condition. Toenail fungus is more common than fingernail fungus, mostly due to the lack of airflow and daily cleaning. Closed-toed shoes are also a common cause of toenail fungus conditions, as they prevent normal aeration of the nails. Common risk factors of toenail fungus include:
Fungal nail conditions cause nails to become thick, discolored, and often distorted. Unattractive toenails often prevent sufferers from wearing of open-toed shoes and sandals in public, and also may cause severe pain, discomfort, and embarrassment in advanced cases. Toenail fungus treatments include oral and topical medications, aimed at reducing the fungal levels of the infected areas. Also, simply washing infected nails daily will help reduce the fungal growth and spreading. While there are many home remedies associated with removing fingernail and toenail funguses, these methods are often crude and ineffective. Beacon Pharmacy offers a specialized anti-fungal formula which is a topical medication. Some oral medications can be very hard on the liver, and are usually more expensive than topical creams. Applied just twice a day for 3 months, our transdermal formula is our most popular nail fungus treatment option. Please contact us today to learn more about our customized compounding medications, including our popular Beacon Prescriptions Compounding Pharmacy Toenail Formula. We help our patients live in confidence while strutting down the street in open-toed shoes, or simple enjoying a barefoot day at the beach. |
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Beacon Prescriptions Compounding Pharmacy • 609 North Main Street • Southington, CT 06489 |
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